Changes to Existing Cannabis Businesses Including Licence Amendments

An amendment is defined as a change related to the existing cannabis licence

The need for compliance does not end once a cannabis licence has been issued. Assistance with the preparation and submission of various amendments depending on your current licensed activities will ensure that as your business changes and grows, you are on top of all requirements that Health Canada needs to approve your changes as quickly as possible.

Licence Amendments

Licence amendments for the sale of different classes of cannabis – processing licence holders can apply to have their licence amended to sell the following cannabis classes if they are not already authorized to do so:

  • Dried cannabis and/or fresh cannabis
  • Cannabis topicals
  • Cannabis extracts and/or edible cannabis

We also provide the following services beyond amendment preparation:

  • Packaging and labelling review
  • SOP preparation
  • Pre-inspection audits
  • Analytical testing specification preparation

Site plan changes

Licence holders can apply for changes to their site plan if they seek to make to the following changes to their site:

  • Adding a grow or operations area within an approved site
  • Addition of a new building
  • Modifying an approved grow area
  • Modifying an approved storage area
  • Modifying an approved building in a manner that does not affect the site perimeter
  • Modifying an approved building in a manner that does affect the site perimeters

Our services include:

  • Application for approval preparation
  • Updated floor plan preparation
  • Updated organizational security plan preparation
  • Updated security system design to meet physical security requirements
  • Updated site plan preparation (to meet Health Canada requirements only)
  • QAP training, designation, or replacement