Other Cannabis Licenses

Analytical Testing, Research Licenses & License For Medical Sale.

Analytical Testing

All licensed processors of cannabis must ensure that each lot or batch of cannabis is tested by a licensed third-party before it is approved for sale to retailers. Individuals and corporations interested in performing analytical tests on cannabis must obtain a license through Health Canada.

To qualify for a license, your facility must employ a Head of Laboratory with the sufficient qualifications necessary for performing analytical testing of cannabis. Holders of a testing license are authorized to possess cannabis, and alter it by any means including the use of organic solvents to alter its chemical or physical properties.

Research License

Developing new cannabis products requires a significant amount of research and testing under environmentally-controlled conditions. Laboratories and facilities looking to conduct research with cannabis, for the purposes of developing new products or determining new uses for existing products are welcome to apply for a research license with Health Canada. Contact us to discuss your research objectives and how to meet Health Canada’s criteria in order to get your lab licensed.

License for Medical Sale

A holder of a license for sale for medical purposes is the only license under the Cannabis Act where cannabis products can be sold directly to consumers (authorized patients). Persons authorized to use cannabis for medical purposes are able to obtain cannabis directly through a holder of a license for medical sales.

To receive medical cannabis products, patients will need to register with the license holder by providing a medical document of their diagnosis. The holder of a license for medical sales is obligated to keep patient records confidential.

Recreational cannabis (cannabis products accessible to the general public) can only be sold through authorized provincial retailers.