dicentra Cannabis Consulting has followed the lead of our sister company dicentra and has been active in taking the necessary steps to help protect the health and safety of our clients and our team members.
As a result, we have temporarily closed our corporate office in downtown Toronto and have issued a Work-From-Home (WFH) policy for all of the team members until further notice. While we feel this preventative measure is necessary in order to help limit the spread of the virus, we want to emphasize that any disruption to our Cannabis Consulting services will be minimal in nature. We as an organization have embraced telecommuting and have invested in the necessary technological infrastructure in order to be able to support our team members as they work from home.
The steps we will take in order to provide exceptional service to our clients mirrors that of our sister company dicentra. In addition to offering work from home flexibility, we will commit to the following:
Thank you for your continued support and loyalty, and from all of us at dicentra Cannabis Consulting, stay safe, and stay healthy.