Prepare Your Processing Facility For Edible Cannabis

Prepare Your Processing Facility For Edible Cannabis

May 22, 2019 By

We specialize in quality and compliance and are committed to helping our clients achieve top-tier quality control in their cannabis processing facilities. With the proposed amendments to the Cannabis Act and Cannabis Regulations coming in October 2019, licensed processors will be eligible to produce edible cannabis and topical creams containing cannabis.


Extracts, edibles, and cosmetics/topical creams will be added to Schedule 4 of the Cannabis Act as new “Classes” of cannabis that an authorized person may sell. Changes in the activities authorized by your existing license, including the production of this new “Class” of cannabis, will require notice to Health Canada. With the incoming changes to the regulations, additional GPP requirements will need to be implemented to prevent contamination, avoid the risk of food-borne illness, and other risks associated with edible cannabis.


We can assist with designing floor-plan concepts to accommodate the production of these new classes of products. For the purposes of amending your site license, we can modify the GPP and Quality Assurance reports, to align with changes to production procedures. Additional security may be required, and we can assist with the design of any areas added to the site. Our services will include an audit of the site and the quality management systems in place, for compliance with all relevant food safety/cannabis/quality requirements.


The proposed amendments to the Cannabis Regulations borrow guidelines from the Safe Food For Canadians Act, and all edible cannabis products will be regulated by the Cannabis Regulations and not the Food and Drug Act. Since cannabis will now be treated as a food ingredient, the production of edible cannabis products will require that sanitation programs extend to all fixtures and equipment that touches cannabis, including transportation equipment.


To ensure that you have the appropriate equipment, facility design, and sanitation programs in place for future production of edible cannabis products, contact us today.